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Kinga Junior Account

This is a vibrant account for members of children aged below 18 years of age. The Sacco enables the parents to inculcate the savings culture to the young ones at a tender age. Below are features for this account

  1. Registration/ Entrance fee is Ksh 500.

  2. The minimum monthly deposit is Ksh 500 per child, but a member may choose to deposit Lump sums to Kinga SACCO bank account.

  3. Deposits can either be made from principle member payroll check-off or depositing directly to KINGA SACCO bank account by the 5th day of the month.

  4. Deposits from this account will not be used to borrow loans.

  5. Deposits will earn an interest of 6% per annum on balances exceeding Ksh 10,000.00. This will be calculated once at the end of the year on a ‘pro-rata’ basis and rolled back to the juniors account after each AGM. N/B: The interest earned is not expressly cashed out after an AGM but added to Junior account balance and paid out within the normal withdrawals allowed under this account.

  6. On attainment of 18 years, this account assumes full membership rights, but the principle member will remain liable and the guarantor for the account.

  7. Withdrawal of deposits is allowed 3(three) times in a year. Any subsequent withdrawal will attract a k 1,000 fee per extra withdrawal. However, a balance of Ksh.500 must be maintained at any given time as an indication of an active account.

  8. Membership for this account is open to withdrawal by giving 6 months’ notice.

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